Walking in the Spirit
1. Why do we use the metaphor of “walking” for the paths we choose to follow? Can you think of other terms in an extension of the same metaphor?
2. Why do OT Wisdom books describe the good way as broad and level and the wrong way as slippery and crooked, while the NT describes the way to heaven as narrow and rugged and the way to destruction as broad?
The Christian’s Conflict
1. Do only Christian’s feel guilty when they do wrong or do unbelievers also feel guilt? What about non-Christians?
2. If a person feels guilty even after confessing, is it an indication that the wrong has not been forgiven yet?
The Works of the Flesh
1. Why do we give credit to the “Spirit” for good works, but blame the “flesh” for bad behavior?
2. Is it easier to do wrong than right? Why or why not?
The Fruit of the Spirit
1. Is it possible to observe the Ten Commandments and at the same time not love God and our neighbour?
2. What can we as Adventists do so that we will be known as a people of “love,” “joy,” “peace,” “patience,” “kindness,” “goodness,” “faithfulness,” “gentleness,” and “self-control” instead of people of the Ten Commandments?
The Way to Victory
1. Do we have to crucify the “evil humanness” in us or will Christ do it for us?
2. Can it ever become easier to do right rather than wrong even before going to heaven?