Should we practice what we preach or preach what we practice?
Silent Sermons
- What are some ways in which we can identify a person (we do not know yet) as a Christian? What are some ways in which we can identify a person as an Adventist?
- Are we justified in labeling some persons as a hypocrites, or can we only judge ourselves?
- Are we justified in rejecting a message not practiced by the preacher, or should we overlook the life of the preacher and accept the message?
Having Compassion for People
- How do we define “need” in I John 3:17 (“But if anyone has this world’s goods and sees his brother in need, yet closes his heart against him, how does God’s love abide in him?”)? Is it something necessary for good health or only to save life; to alleviate hunger, or only to prevent starvation? What kinds of clothes and education are "needs?"
- Is compassion an action or an attitude?
Walking in Their Shoes
- Should we attempt to give people (1) what they want? (2) what they think they need? or (3) What we know they need?
- How far should we “do in Rome as the Romans do?” Would the church of today approve of Paul’s “compromising” principle?
A Hospitable Lifestyle
- Do people listen more to a caring person than to an uncaring one? If so, is this justified?
- Can we expect better responses to our witnessing from friends and family or from strangers? Give reasons for your answer.
Widening Your Friendship Circle
- Why do we have to go out in search of lost sheep? Why don’t the lost come in search of truth?
- Should Adventists have more non-Adventist friends than they do at present? If so, how can this be done?
- What does it mean to be in the world but not of the world?