Are some spiritual gifts more valuable than others? Could one, for example, rank the following (from the memory text in Eph 4) in order of importance -- apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers?
Gifted Believers
The Spirit and His Gifts
Discovering Our Gifts
Other Gifts
Gifts and Christian Responsibility
Gifted Believers
- Are apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers to be (1) within the group of ordained ministers (2) spread out among all church employees, or (3) present in all church members?
- Are the lists of gifts mentioned in the Bible for spreading the gospel a comprehensive list of gifts, or could there be many more unlisted gifts? Does every member have at least one gift? Could mastery of technology be a gift for evangelism? Can you think of other possibilities?
- Why do we call these abilities gifts?
The Spirit and His Gifts
- What will happen if a member attempts to serve in a capacity for which he/she has not been given a gift?
- Whom would you normally select to witness (and why): (1) an obviously gifted person who may or may not be willing to witness, or (2) a person who does not seem to possess any qualities for witnessing, but who is eager to try?
- Which is easier for the Holy Spirit: (1) to make a person who is unwilling, willing to witness, or (2) to equip a person who is eager to witness but may not have the abilities?
Discovering Our Gifts
- Why does it seem easier to identify another person’s gifts than our own?
- Do we need to take an aptitude test, or see a counselor to determine our gifts? What are some ways in which we can identify our spiritual gifts?
Other Gifts
- Why do we have deacons? Why can’t the pastors do that work? Does it imply that pastoral work is more important than what the deacons do?
- What kind of "ministry" is required to nurture new members?
Gifts and Christian Responsibility
- Which gifts (if any) may be used independently of the church and which (if any) should be used under the authority of the church?
- Under what circumstances (if any) might the Holy Spirit attempt to dissuade a person from witnessing to a particular person or community at a particular time?
- In what ways can we lose a gift that is not used properly?