
Many Sabbath School class teachers either preach a sermon to their class or deliver a monologue on the whole lesson, going through it "day-by-day." The most rewarding sessions involve the members in discussion. These questions here are intended to stimulate the active participation of the members in your class. Of course pertinent information imparted by the teacher is also very valuable, for which there are many resources in print and on the internet. This site seeks to provide a resource for discussions.

If you are a member and not a teacher and your class is boring, try asking questions such as these in your class.

Sunday, 27 July 2014

Lesson 5 (July 26-Aug 1), How to be Saved

Why would Israelites worship a bronze serpent when they knew it was lifeless?

Recognize Your Need
  1. Why do so many religions have rituals of spiritual cleansing that involve water? What can water accomplish spiritually?
  2. Do humans need spiritual dirt pointed out or are we aware of it?
  3. Is guilt good or bad?
  1. What is the difference if any, between regret and repent?
  2. What is the difference if any, between admitting to having done wrong and confessing?
  3. If one repeats the act does that mean there was no true repentance?
Believe in Jesus
  1. If we doubt that we have been forgiven does it meanwe do not have faith?
  2. Do humans say they have forgiven when they have not truly forgiven?
  3. What did Jesus mean when he said "your faith has saved you?"
The Wedding Garment
  1. What were the conditions for rceiving a wedding garment?
  2. Do we put the wedding garment over our dirty clothes, or do we remove the dirty clothes first?  How do we get rid of our filthy rags of self-righteousness? Is it easy or difficult?
Follow Jesus
  1. What is a disciple of Jesus expected to do today?
  2. Is it possible to be a secret follower of Jesus in order to avoid paying too high a price?

Thursday, 24 July 2014

Lesson 4 (July 19-25), Salvation

What is the best part of being saved?

Salvation is a Gift from God

  1. Does God love humans more than He loves His son?
  2. Why did God make salvation optional?

Salvation: God's Initiative

  1. Why didn't God initiate salvation for the fallen angels?  Does God love humans more than He loves angels?
  2. Is it possible for one who does not How much relief could one get from the sacrifice of an animal?
  3. Why do we sometimes doubt we have been forgiven even after praying for forgiveness?
  4. How can I be sure I have been freed from sin?know God to find Him or mus God always take the iniative? 

The Required Death

  1. Why did God require a lamb as a sin offering instead of an adult sheep?
  2. Could God have arranged salvation so that the blood of an animal would be adequate to atone for a person's sin?

Free From Sin

  1. How much relief could one get from the sacrifice of an animal?
  2. Why do we sometimes doubt we have been forgiven even after praying for forgiveness?
  3. How can I be sure I have been freed from sin?

Christ Gives Us Eternal Life
Is it fair for God to forgive us on the basis of Christ's sacrifice?
How could the death of Christ free more than one person?

Tuesday, 15 July 2014

Lesson 3 (July 12-18), The Holy Spirit

The Representative of Christ

  1. Why did Jesus refer to the Holy Spirit as the Comforter? Is that His main work?
  2. How does the Holy Spirit comfort us?
  3. Why is the Holy Spirit the representative of Jesus and not of the Father?
  4. Does being a representative make one inferior to the sender?

The Holy Spirit is a Person

  1. What do we mean by person? What makes the Holy Spirit a person?
  2. Is the nature of the Holy Spirit a greater mystery than that of Jesus or of the Father?
  3. If we could see the Holy Spirit would we grieve Him less, sin less? Why does He remain invisible?

The Holy Spirit is Divine

  1. Is the work of the Holy Spirit as an advocate similar to or disimilar to that of Jesus as Advocate?
  2. How much connection with the Spirit did Jesus have when on earth compared with between Him and the Father?
  3. Can we have the same power of the Holy Spirit as Jesus had?

The Work of the Holy Spirit

  1. If we pray to be reminded of sin, will the Holy Spirit bring to mind some sins that He would not have otherwise convicted us of?
  2. What is the difference between humans being born of the Spirit and the birth of Jesus?  What is similar?

Filled With the Spirit

  1.  Is there any difference between being filled with the Spirit and being full of the Spirit? 
  2. Can a person be only half-filled with the Spirit?
  3. Are Adventists too reluctant to be filled with the Spirit?

Monday, 7 July 2014

Lesson 2 (July 5-11), The Son

Do humans today have enough evidences to answer Jesus' question to His disciples: "Who do you say I am?" On what bases do we give our answer?

The Son of Man

  1. Why would Jesus prefer to refer to Himself as the "Son of Man," rather than "Son of God?" Why was it important to Him?
  2. What were the dangers in emphasizing Jesus' humanness? How could those who abused Jesus have known He was more than just another human?

The Son of God
  1. Of all the options avaialable why would God have selected a father-son relationship, rather brother, mother, sister, uncle, etc.
  2. Are there any dangers in emphasizing the Father-son relationship?

Christ's Divine Nature -1

  1. What evidences to humans was there that Jesus was divine?
  2. What more could God have done to prove to humans that Jesus was indeed God? If there was more that could have been done, why wasn't it done?
  3. How completely convinced were the disciples that Jesus was God
  4. Could the Father have chosen to die for humans and then be known as the Son?

    Christ's Divine Nature -2
    1. Why did Jesus retain His power to do miracles during His incarnation? 
    2. Did Jesus perform miracles in His own strength or in His Father's?

    Christ's Mission
    1. Whom did Jesus mean when he referred to the "lost?" What makes someone "lost?"
    2. How do we apply the parables of the lost coin, the lost sheep, and the lost son?
    3. What is invovled in being "found?" If there are different categories of "lost," how are each "found?" 

    Thursday, 3 July 2014

    Lesson 1 (June 28-July 4), Our Loving Heavenly Father

    Would Jesus have used the term "mother," to refer to His father in a matriarchal or mateilineal society?

    Our Father in Heaven
    Did Jesus select the term "father," to represent God because it fitted or did God create men with godlike qualities?
    Why did God create mothers and fathers with different qualities?

    Revealed By the Son
    Does the phrase "like father, like son," apply to the Godhead?
    Is it appropriate to be afraid of father?
    What do gou think of Satan's charge that God is selfish and arbitrary?

    The Love of Our Heavenly Father
    If the father loved the prodigal so much, what caused the prodigal to leave home?
    Does God love us more or less after the death of Christ? Why does Christ have to mediate?

    The Compassionate Care of Our Heavenly Father
    If the father loved the prodigal so much, what caused the prodigal to leave home?
    Does God love us more or less after the death of Christ? Why does Christ have to mediate?