Do humans today have enough evidences to answer Jesus' question to His disciples: "Who do you say I am?" On what bases do we give our answer?
The Son of Man
The Son of Man
- Why would Jesus prefer to refer to Himself as the "Son of Man," rather than "Son of God?" Why was it important to Him?
- What were the dangers in emphasizing Jesus' humanness? How could those who abused Jesus have known He was more than just another human?
The Son of God
- Of all the options avaialable why would God have selected a father-son relationship, rather brother, mother, sister, uncle, etc.
- Are there any dangers in emphasizing the Father-son relationship?
Christ's Divine Nature -1
- What evidences to humans was there that Jesus was divine?
- What more could God have done to prove to humans that Jesus was indeed God? If there was more that could have been done, why wasn't it done?
- How completely convinced were the disciples that Jesus was God
- Could the Father have chosen to die for humans and then be known as the Son?
Christ's Divine Nature -2
- Why did Jesus retain His power to do miracles during His incarnation?
- Did Jesus perform miracles in His own strength or in His Father's?
Christ's Mission
- Whom did Jesus mean when he referred to the "lost?" What makes someone "lost?"
- How do we apply the parables of the lost coin, the lost sheep, and the lost son?
- What is invovled in being "found?" If there are different categories of "lost," how are each "found?"