The Representative of Christ
The Holy Spirit is a Person
The Holy Spirit is Divine
The Work of the Holy Spirit
Filled With the Spirit
- Why did Jesus refer to the Holy Spirit as the Comforter? Is that His main work?
- How does the Holy Spirit comfort us?
- Why is the Holy Spirit the representative of Jesus and not of the Father?
- Does being a representative make one inferior to the sender?
The Holy Spirit is a Person
- What do we mean by person? What makes the Holy Spirit a person?
- Is the nature of the Holy Spirit a greater mystery than that of Jesus or of the Father?
- If we could see the Holy Spirit would we grieve Him less, sin less? Why does He remain invisible?
The Holy Spirit is Divine
- Is the work of the Holy Spirit as an advocate similar to or disimilar to that of Jesus as Advocate?
- How much connection with the Spirit did Jesus have when on earth compared with between Him and the Father?
- Can we have the same power of the Holy Spirit as Jesus had?
The Work of the Holy Spirit
- If we pray to be reminded of sin, will the Holy Spirit bring to mind some sins that He would not have otherwise convicted us of?
- What is the difference between humans being born of the Spirit and the birth of Jesus? What is similar?
Filled With the Spirit
- Is there any difference between being filled with the Spirit and being full of the Spirit?
- Can a person be only half-filled with the Spirit?
- Are Adventists too reluctant to be filled with the Spirit?