Winning Confidence
- How did God win Abraham's confidence?
- Why did the Israelites lose confidence in God repeatedly?
- Does the presence of a little doubt mean that one does not have faith?
A Careful Balance
- Why did members of the Corinthian church take pride in being of Apollos or of Paul? Has there always been and will there always be factions in the church?
- How should one address a problem in a church? Is there any merit in reporting this to the higher organisation?
- What problems in our local church might deter visitors from returning after one or a few more visits?
Social Capital
- What behaviour of Adventists makes deductions from goodwill with our neighbours? In other words what are obstacles to good relationships with our neighbours?
- What can we do that builds up good relationships? Or in other words invests in social capital?
- Is our community service aimed at conversion?
The Value of Social Capital
- How can we contribute to the community without spending much money?
- Why was the king willing to support Nehemiah's project of rebuilding the wall?
- What makes corporate businesses willing to support ADRA and our ingathering (welfare projects)?
Favour with All People
- How useful is our health message in an Indian community? How much respect would Indians have towards our Adventist lifestyle?
- How much would our community miss us if our church and its members were removed to a different location?
- If prejudice against Adventists is based on misinformation what can we do to correct their understanding?