Jonah in Nineveh
- Why didn't God pick a more sympathetic and mission minded person than Jonah to preach to Nineveh?
- What made Jonah so effective? Why did the Nineties respond to Jonah's message?
- How effective is preaching hell for converting people? What made Jonah more effective than Noah?
- Did Jesus also use Jonah's approach for Jerusalem and Israel?
The "Anyway" Principle"
- How much should we expect a sinner to change before baptising him or her?
- Is it possible to preach effectively without love?
- How can we identify hate?
Love Never Fails
- Why is love more important than specifics of commandment keeping?
- Is rejection of Christianity on the basis of the nature and character of Christians justified?
- How much can love do and what can love not do in winning people for Christ?
The Second Touch
- Why did Jesus use saliva and touch when His word alone was adequate to heal?
- Why was the blind man of Mk 8:22-25 not healed completely after the first stage of saliva and touch? What made the second touch work?
- What makes some people who have eyes, blind?
- What makes touching so effective?
The Other-centered Church
- How can we harmonise the following Bible passages: Do nothing out of selfish ambition; Love your neighbour as yourself?
- In what ways can Jesus be our model for concern for others when He had no family such as we have to give priority to?
- Is humanitarian work that does not result in baptisms a poorer way to use resources than work that results in adding members to the church?