The Baptism of the Holy Spirit
- Does being baptised in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit indicate that one has received the baptism of the Holy Spirit?
- Does 1 Cor 12:13 teach that all Christians have been baptised in the Spirit?
- How can one know if he or she has been baptised by the Holy Spirit?
Being Filled With the Holy Spirit
- What is the difference between being baptised and being filled with the Holy Spirit?
- Can one be partly full of the Holy Spirit?
- Since it is the Holy Spirit that does the filling how can we be commanded to be filled?
- Does the Holy Spirit lead one to repentance or is repentance a prerequisite to receiving the Holy Spirit?
- Is trust in God's word a prerequisite to receiving the Spirit or does the Holy Spirit lead one to trust in His word?
- By asking can one receive what God might not have given otherwise?
- Why is obedience a precondition for receiving the Spirit? Doesn't the Spirit speak to the disobedient? What is the difference between the Spirit speaking or being received?
- What must one do in order to receive the Spirit?
Self-centered Living Versus Christ -centered Living
- Are humans born selfish or do they develop selfishness?
- How can a selfish person become unselfish?
- How can a person receive Christ if not through the Holy Spirit?