The Fruit of the Spirit and the Gifts of the Spirit
- Why do we refer only to the "fruit" of the Spirit and not "fruits" when there are so many--love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, and faithfulness?
- Why do speak of the "gifts" of the Spirit in plural? Is the Spirit a gift from God, or does the Spirit bring gifts from God?
God the Sovereign Giver of the Spiritual Gifts
- Does the Spirit give gifts at birth or as we grow?
- Can we choose which gifts we want and prayerfully develop those?
- Are some people given more gifts than others?
The Purpose of the Spiritual Gifts
- Are the gifts of the Spirit given for our benefit or for the benefit of others?
- Are some gifts more important than others?
- How can one discern what his or her gift is?
- How can one understand if the gift is being used properly for the building up of the church or not? Can one misunderstand the outcome?
- In what ways can a person misuse a Gift of the Spirit?
The Gift, Then and Now
- Are the gifts listed in Romans and I Corinthians exhaustive or are there more? Are some of the gifts given during the New Testament times obsolete now?
- Are there some new gifts being given for these modern times?
The Holy Spirit and the Gift of Discernment
- Why is the gift of discernment important?
- Do some people have more discernment than others?
- Since so few will admit their limitations in understanding, how can one recognise their deficiencies in discernment, if any?