A Better Covenant
- Did Jesus start a new religion or was it a continuation of the Hebrew religion?
- How much of Christianity did the Old Testament anticipate?
- How does the fourth commandment find a place in the Decalogue?
Jewish Laws and Regulations
- Would it be wrong for someone to follow the Mosaic/Ceremonial laws today?
- What benefits might there be in observing the Old Testament festivals? Are there any reasons why one should not observe them?
- Are the laws on clean and unclean foods health laws or religious laws?
As the Custom of Moses
- Should people have to surrender membership in such organisations as "Pharisees" when they become Christians? Why did Paul not inform them that Phariseeism was not valid any longer?
- Why did the Pharisees call circumcision a rite of Moses rather than one given by God?
- Did Paul have authority to tell members what to do?
The Gentile Believers
- After the council decided that the Gentiles need not be circumcised, why were the Jewish believers permitted to continue following the custom? How did that affect the unity of the church?
- On what basis did the leaders decide that circumcision was not essential to membership in the church? What are the essentials for salvation?
- Which would have been a bigger obstacle to Jewish believers, making circumcision optional or ordaining women?
- Why did fornication need to be included in the list of things that could not be compromised? Didn't the Ten Commandments cover that?
- Why was it necessary to include "meat offered to idols" as banned when Paul thought it was not a problem? Was it a "give and take" situation?
Paul and the Galatians
- How did Paul deal with churches that continued to insist on circumcision ignoring the decision of the church?
- How can we determine what practices of the Jews were culturated and can be laid aside for Christians?
- When Jesus told the disciples that whatever they bound on earth would be bound in heaven how much authority was He giving them? How infallible was the Jerusalem council? When Paul wrote that "eating meat offered to idols" was not a problem for him, was he non-compliant? Can council decisions be changed from time to time and still be the voice of God? Matt 16:19