The Deeds of the Law
- What was God's intention in giving humans the Ten Commandments?
- What kind of obedience might parents not want from their children?
- How can home or school rules be presented to children so that they will not resent them?
The Righteousness of God
- Why do people have problems accepting the righteousness of Christ as free?
- How do I accept righteousness by faith? Is believing and wanting it enough, or does one need to do something?
By His Grace
- Why could not a sinless angel have accomplished our salvation?
- Why are people reluctant to accept things that are free?
The Righteousness of Christ
- What does "remission" mean? Is it related to the word "remit?" What does that word mean?
- How can it be legal for One's person's righteousness to be credited to another? How can it be credited to so many people?
Without the Deeds of the Law
- Is there any credit whatsoever for keeping the Ten Commandments? Why or why not?
- Is trying to keep the law good or bad?
- How can parents teach Salvation by Grace to children?