
Many Sabbath School class teachers either preach a sermon to their class or deliver a monologue on the whole lesson, going through it "day-by-day." The most rewarding sessions involve the members in discussion. These questions here are intended to stimulate the active participation of the members in your class. Of course pertinent information imparted by the teacher is also very valuable, for which there are many resources in print and on the internet. This site seeks to provide a resource for discussions.

If you are a member and not a teacher and your class is boring, try asking questions such as these in your class.

Sunday, 29 April 2018

Lesson 5 (Apr 28-May 4), Christ in the Heavenly Sanctuary

Supreme Sacrifice

  1. How much will it help or hinder one's contemplation of Christ's sacrifice on a cross to have a crucifix to look at? Does the Biblical command against images of God whom no one has seen, apply to Jesus who became human? 
  2. Is it true that God cannot die, even if He chooses? Did Jesus have to become human in order to die?
  3. How much of his abuse He would suffer as a human was known to Jesus before His incarnation?
The Lamb of God
  1. Why is Jesus referred to as "Lamb?" 
  2. Why did God select a 'lambs' to be sacrificed rather than adult animals, or even carnivores?
  3. What is the benefit or advantage of being both the sacrifice and the high priest?
Our High Priest
  1. Who forgives sins, God the Father or Jesus? On what authority are sins forgiven? Does God make those rules?
  2. What is the difference between "ransom" and "redemption?"
  3. How does what Jesus is doing now in the heavenly sanctuary relate to what He did on the cross?
Our Intercessor
  1. What is the role of Christ as "intercessor?" On whose behalf is he interceding, and to whom? Why is this necessary?
  2. If our sins are forgiven why do we need an intercessor?
  3. Why must Jesus plead with the Father? Does He not love us as much as Jesus does?
  4. Why is it necessary for us to know what Jesus is doing?
The Day of Atonement
  1. In what ways was the earthly sanctuary a "model" of the heavenly one? Why is referred to as a "shadow?" Did the Israelites realise that it was a representation of something higher?
  2. Why does the heavenly sanctuary have to be "cleansed?"
  3. What is the connection between "Day of Atonement" and the judgement? How does a judgement cleanse the sanctuary?

Sunday, 22 April 2018

Lesson 4 (Apr 21-27), Salvation and the End Time

The Love of the Father

  1. What did Jesus mean that if people had seen Him that they had seen the Father? In what way or ways is that true?
  2. Why do you think the disciples had asked Jesus to show them the Father?
  3. If the Father as Judge has the same attitude to us as Jesus why do we need an Advocate?
The Love of Christ
  1. Does "all have sinned . . . " include Enoch and Job? How could Enoch be taken to heaven if he was a sinner? Doesn't the Bible say that God pointed Job to Satan as blameless and upright?
  2. Did Jesus have an advantage over us in keeping God's law? Was keeping to the law before Jesus incarnation not enough to save humans? 
  3. What does it mean that Jesus was "fully man?"
The Love of the Spirit
  1. Why are Christians baptised in the name of all three members of the Godhead?
  2. Why is the third member of the Trinity called "Spirit" if He is as much a person as the Father and the Son?
  3. How does the love of the Spirit for humans compare with the love the Father and of the Son? What evidence is there for that?
  4. What does the Bible mean by "Love of the Father, Grace of Jesus, and Communion/fellowship of the Holy Spirit?" Are those mutually agreed roles flexible or fixed?
Assurance of Salvation
  1. When another Christian asks if we are saved or not, what is meant? Can a person know if he/she is saved or going to be saved?
  2. What is the difference between "faith" and "presumption" in terms of our salvation?
  3. What is meant by "once saved, always saved?" How much truth is in that concept?
The Everlasting Gospel
  1. What is meant by "everlasting" gospel?" Does it have no beginning and no end?
  2. How much a part do we have in our salvation?
  3. How much a role are we to play in the salvation of others?
  4. Is it easier to be saved or lost?

Friday, 20 April 2018

Lesson 3 (April 14-20), Jesus and the Book of Revelation

Structure of Revelation

  1. Why do Adventists study Daniel and Revelation together? If we wanted to add another book to the group, which would it be?
  2. How much knowledge of history is necessary to study future events? How do we know if our knowledge of history is accurate?
  3. Why did people such as the Israelites not learn from history but keep making the same mistakes?
Images of Jesus
  1. What does "firstborn from the dead" mean? How can Jesus claim that title when He was not the first to be resurrected?
  2. Did Jesus always have the keys of death, or did He get it after His resurrection?
  3. How is Jesus better qualified than the Father, to hear our prayers?
  4. Why does Jesus call Himself the Alpha and Omega?
The Sanctuary Motif in Revelation
  1. When Jesus ascended to heaven did He go to the Holy Place or Most Holy Place?
  2. What does "walking among the lamp stands" mean?
  3. Was John actually shown the Heavenly Sanctuary or only on the screen of his mind?
Christ in Revelation
  1. Does the title "King of Kings" give us assurance or frighten us? What makes a difference?
  2. What purpose does it serve that Jesus is depicted as a servant washing our sins? Why was Peter put off by that image?
  3. Why did Martha slow to understand Jesus when He said He was the resurrection and the life? What was she thinking?
  4. How much control over life and death do humans have?

Tuesday, 10 April 2018

Lesson 2 (April 7-13), Daniel and the End Time

How can we know which dreams are given by God?

Faithful in What is Least
  1. Which is more common, compromise in small matters or in weighty issues?
  2. Why didn't Daniel just pray by his bedside instead of by the window, so that his enemies would not see him?
  3. How much can one's diet influence one's intelligence?
The Humility of Daniel
  1. Does the European Union disprove the prophecy of Dan 2 regarding the toes of iron and clay?
  2. What convinced Nebuchanezzar that Daniel was telling the truth when he explained his dream, that he rewarded him immediately?
  3. Are our achievements more by personal effort than Daniel's interpretation of the king's dream that he gave all credit to God, and we often do not?
The Golden Image
  1. How could the king forget the power of the God of the Hebrews despite earlier indications?
  2. Why would it  have been wrong for Shadrach, Meshack, and Abednego to bow down like the others on the plain, even if they prayed to their own God while bowed?
  3. What would have been the lesson from the story if the three Hebrews had been burnt up in the fire? Why does God allow some of His witnesses to be consumed?
Conversion of the Gentiles
  1. Did the Hebrews fail to follow up after deliverance from the fiery furnace, and the lions den? Could the whole nation have been converted?
  2. What lessons apply to us as we prepare for possible death decrees in the last days?
  3. Why is pride considered the worst sin?
The Faithfulness of Daniel
  1. How much faith did King Darius have in Daniel's God? What do you think made him believe like that?
  2. How can we have as good a reputation as Daniel did? Why did his colleagues respond negatively to his good character?
  3. Was the witness of the Israelites in captivity better than it could have been when they were free?