The Love of the Father
- What did Jesus mean that if people had seen Him that they had seen the Father? In what way or ways is that true?
- Why do you think the disciples had asked Jesus to show them the Father?
- If the Father as Judge has the same attitude to us as Jesus why do we need an Advocate?
The Love of Christ
- Does "all have sinned . . . " include Enoch and Job? How could Enoch be taken to heaven if he was a sinner? Doesn't the Bible say that God pointed Job to Satan as blameless and upright?
- Did Jesus have an advantage over us in keeping God's law? Was keeping to the law before Jesus incarnation not enough to save humans?
- What does it mean that Jesus was "fully man?"
The Love of the Spirit
- Why are Christians baptised in the name of all three members of the Godhead?
- Why is the third member of the Trinity called "Spirit" if He is as much a person as the Father and the Son?
- How does the love of the Spirit for humans compare with the love the Father and of the Son? What evidence is there for that?
- What does the Bible mean by "Love of the Father, Grace of Jesus, and Communion/fellowship of the Holy Spirit?" Are those mutually agreed roles flexible or fixed?
Assurance of Salvation
- When another Christian asks if we are saved or not, what is meant? Can a person know if he/she is saved or going to be saved?
- What is the difference between "faith" and "presumption" in terms of our salvation?
- What is meant by "once saved, always saved?" How much truth is in that concept?
The Everlasting Gospel
- What is meant by "everlasting" gospel?" Does it have no beginning and no end?
- How much a part do we have in our salvation?
- How much a role are we to play in the salvation of others?
- Is it easier to be saved or lost?