Supreme Sacrifice
- How much will it help or hinder one's contemplation of Christ's sacrifice on a cross to have a crucifix to look at? Does the Biblical command against images of God whom no one has seen, apply to Jesus who became human?
- Is it true that God cannot die, even if He chooses? Did Jesus have to become human in order to die?
- How much of his abuse He would suffer as a human was known to Jesus before His incarnation?
The Lamb of God
- Why is Jesus referred to as "Lamb?"
- Why did God select a 'lambs' to be sacrificed rather than adult animals, or even carnivores?
- What is the benefit or advantage of being both the sacrifice and the high priest?
Our High Priest
- Who forgives sins, God the Father or Jesus? On what authority are sins forgiven? Does God make those rules?
- What is the difference between "ransom" and "redemption?"
- How does what Jesus is doing now in the heavenly sanctuary relate to what He did on the cross?
Our Intercessor
- What is the role of Christ as "intercessor?" On whose behalf is he interceding, and to whom? Why is this necessary?
- If our sins are forgiven why do we need an intercessor?
- Why must Jesus plead with the Father? Does He not love us as much as Jesus does?
- Why is it necessary for us to know what Jesus is doing?
The Day of Atonement
- In what ways was the earthly sanctuary a "model" of the heavenly one? Why is referred to as a "shadow?" Did the Israelites realise that it was a representation of something higher?
- Why does the heavenly sanctuary have to be "cleansed?"
- What is the connection between "Day of Atonement" and the judgement? How does a judgement cleanse the sanctuary?