
Many Sabbath School class teachers either preach a sermon to their class or deliver a monologue on the whole lesson, going through it "day-by-day." The most rewarding sessions involve the members in discussion. These questions here are intended to stimulate the active participation of the members in your class. Of course pertinent information imparted by the teacher is also very valuable, for which there are many resources in print and on the internet. This site seeks to provide a resource for discussions.

If you are a member and not a teacher and your class is boring, try asking questions such as these in your class.

Monday, 25 June 2018

Lesson 13 (June 23-29), The Return of Our Lord Jesus

The Day of the Lord

  1. Was the "Day of the Lord" something that the Israelites considered a "promise" or a "threat?"
  2. When will people know which side they are on? Why will some people not know if they are on the right side or not. 
  3. How much of the second coming or third coming of Christ did Old Testament prophets know?
Daniel and the Second Coming of Jesus
  1. Why was an image of a person in various metals an appropriate way for God to convey the successive kingdoms to come? What did the beasts, that represented these same kingdoms, add  to the prophecy?
  2. Why was the dream given to Nebuchadnezzar rather than to some earlier or later king?
  3. What about other kingdoms outside the empires of Babylon, Greece, and Rome? How are they affected by this prophecy?
Long-Term Prospects
  1. What is the benefit for me if a prophecy is going to take place hundreds or thousands of years after I die?
  2. Did Nebuchadnezzar's dream benefit him in any way?
  3. Is Jesus's coming really imminent or could it be hundreds of years away?
In the Clouds of Heaven
  1. How do we know that Jesus will return literally? 
  2. How do we know which images of the second advent are symbolic? Will Jesus return with a sickle, and will the angels blow real trumpets?
  3. Why is the second coming associated with clouds? Why does it seem that most Adventist prayers end with "the clouds of heaven?"
The Living and the Dead
  1. Did Jesus plan the death and resurrection of His friend Lazarus?
  2. Why are some wicked, those who participated in the crucifixion, raised before the other wicked dead?
  3. What is so wonderful about the righteous being changed in "the twinkling of an eye?"

Sunday, 17 June 2018

Lesson 12 (June 16-22), Babylon and Armageddon

The Wine of Her Wrath

  1. What is the difference between building the Tower of Babel and constructing a skyscraper today?
  2. Which was worse, Babylon or Rome? What did each do that made God and the prophets condemn them?
  3. Is the imagery of Jerusalem in the end better than Babylon considering all the advantages the city had?
Babylon is Fallen
  1. Can true worshippers be found in Babylon?
  2. When is the time to call people out of Babylon?
  3. Why is Babylon allowed to become Babylon?
  1. Why are secular people interested in Armageddon? Do they believe in it?
  2. Will God's people have to fight in the Battle of Armageddon, or will God fight for them?
  3. Is Armageddon a literal or spiritual battle?
Armageddon and Mount Carmel
  1. Why might the Revelator specify Mount Megiddo (Har mageddo) when Megiddo is a plain? If he meant the nearby Mt Carmel, why didn't he say so plainly?
  2. What does Mt Carmel have to do with the last battle? What was Elijah"s role on the mountain?
  3. Why did the Israelites turn to worship Baal so often?
  4. Why are there more false prophets than true prophets? Has the smaller group always been the true people of God?
  5. What makes false prophets think they are true prophets? Why did people think Baal was the true god?
  6. Has the battle of Armageddon started?

Tuesday, 12 June 2018

Lesson 11 (June 9-15), God's Seal or the Beast's Mark

God's Sign Identifying His People
  1. Why did God require of His people in the Old Testament such an awkward sign of relationship as "circumcision?" What would you expect such a sign more naturally to be a symbol of?
  2. Why doesn't God require a simpler sign of relationship with Him today than baptism, such as taking a vow in church, or signing a paper, rather than having to get totally wet? Which is more important: the assent to the questions on doctrine; the professing of love for Jesus; or getting immersed in water?
  3. Why did God sanctify a period of time as holy rather than identify a location such as the Garden of Eden as sacred where He could meet with people on any day of the week.
The Beast and False Worship
  1. What is the necessity of having marks and seals on people? Who gives the Mark of the Beast, God, the devil, the governments, or anyone else? 
  2. Can a person who worships on both Sabbath and Sunday have both the Seal of God and the Mark of the Beast? 
  3. Why is the devil anxious to counter Sabbath-keeping?
The Seal of God
  1. Is a seal permanent? When does this sealing take place?
  2. Will the Seal of God be visible? Why is the seal placed on the forehead?
  3. Is it okay to provide biometric details to the governments?
The Mark of the Beast
  1. Why does Paul say in Col 2 that no one should judge anyone regarding Sabbath days?
  2. Can a person who worships on the seventh day have the Mark of the Beast?
  3. Will everyone who worships on Sunday receive the Mark of the Beast?
The Sabbath as God's Seal
  1. Why is observance of the Sabbath such an appropriate sign of God's people, better than wearing some more visible sign such as a cross, a costume?
  2. Do Adventists have to make a conscious effort to remember God's creative activity on Sabbath to observe it as a memorial of creation? Are we failing in this?
  3. What is the purpose of God's calling humans to rest?

Sunday, 3 June 2018

Lesson 10 (June 2-8), America and Babylon

Deadly Wound Healed

  1. Why don't the books of Daniel and Revelation plainly state that the Papcy is the anti-Christ instead of using symbols like strange animals?
  2. Who healed the deadly wound of the papacy?
  3. Why would kings and leaders want to pay homage to the pope?
The United States in Prophecy
  1. How sure are we that one day equals one year in Bible prophecy when there are other texts that state that one day is like a thousand years? Why did Bible writers used symbols for time instead of stating clearly and exactly how many years it would be?
  2. Could Bible writers have made it more clear that America was being referred to in prophecy, or is it clear enough? Why would they have avoided naming countries?
  3. Why is an alliance with the US so important for the papacy?
An Issue of Worship
  1. Why does Satan want to be worshipped when it will not change what he is? BTW, why do we refer to Satan as "he" when angels "do not marry?"
  2. Is God too obsessed with worship? Why does he punish those who worship some other being?
  3. How might our worship be false without our knowing it?
Babylon the Great
  1. Why has Babylon been selected as a symbol of false worship instead of Egypt or Assyria?
  2. How successful were Daniel and his friends in witnessing to the Babylonians? 
  3. Will Nebuchadnezzar be in heaven?
Come Out of Her My People
  1. Did all the Israelites return from the Babylonian exile? Will those who stayed back be lost?
  2. What does it mean to be in spiritual Babylon?
  3. Can we be in the Adventist church and in Babylon at the same time?
  4. Are Adventist members doing enough to call people out of Babylon?