God's Sign Identifying His People
- Why did God require of His people in the Old Testament such an awkward sign of relationship as "circumcision?" What would you expect such a sign more naturally to be a symbol of?
- Why doesn't God require a simpler sign of relationship with Him today than baptism, such as taking a vow in church, or signing a paper, rather than having to get totally wet? Which is more important: the assent to the questions on doctrine; the professing of love for Jesus; or getting immersed in water?
- Why did God sanctify a period of time as holy rather than identify a location such as the Garden of Eden as sacred where He could meet with people on any day of the week.
The Beast and False Worship
- What is the necessity of having marks and seals on people? Who gives the Mark of the Beast, God, the devil, the governments, or anyone else?
- Can a person who worships on both Sabbath and Sunday have both the Seal of God and the Mark of the Beast?
- Why is the devil anxious to counter Sabbath-keeping?
The Seal of God
- Is a seal permanent? When does this sealing take place?
- Will the Seal of God be visible? Why is the seal placed on the forehead?
- Is it okay to provide biometric details to the governments?
The Mark of the Beast
- Why does Paul say in Col 2 that no one should judge anyone regarding Sabbath days?
- Can a person who worships on the seventh day have the Mark of the Beast?
- Will everyone who worships on Sunday receive the Mark of the Beast?
The Sabbath as God's Seal
- Why is observance of the Sabbath such an appropriate sign of God's people, better than wearing some more visible sign such as a cross, a costume?
- Do Adventists have to make a conscious effort to remember God's creative activity on Sabbath to observe it as a memorial of creation? Are we failing in this?
- What is the purpose of God's calling humans to rest?