Deadly Wound Healed
- Why don't the books of Daniel and Revelation plainly state that the Papcy is the anti-Christ instead of using symbols like strange animals?
- Who healed the deadly wound of the papacy?
- Why would kings and leaders want to pay homage to the pope?
The United States in Prophecy
- How sure are we that one day equals one year in Bible prophecy when there are other texts that state that one day is like a thousand years? Why did Bible writers used symbols for time instead of stating clearly and exactly how many years it would be?
- Could Bible writers have made it more clear that America was being referred to in prophecy, or is it clear enough? Why would they have avoided naming countries?
- Why is an alliance with the US so important for the papacy?
An Issue of Worship
- Why does Satan want to be worshipped when it will not change what he is? BTW, why do we refer to Satan as "he" when angels "do not marry?"
- Is God too obsessed with worship? Why does he punish those who worship some other being?
- How might our worship be false without our knowing it?
Babylon the Great
- Why has Babylon been selected as a symbol of false worship instead of Egypt or Assyria?
- How successful were Daniel and his friends in witnessing to the Babylonians?
- Will Nebuchadnezzar be in heaven?
Come Out of Her My People
- Did all the Israelites return from the Babylonian exile? Will those who stayed back be lost?
- What does it mean to be in spiritual Babylon?
- Can we be in the Adventist church and in Babylon at the same time?
- Are Adventist members doing enough to call people out of Babylon?