The Coming of the Spirit
- What evidence is there that the Holy Spirit is a separate individual and not just Jesus or the Father in spirit form?
- Why do you think the Spirit chose to appear with wind and fire?
- What was the significance, if any, for the Holy Spirit to come on the Feast of Pentecost?
- Why was the Spirit given to Jesus at His baptism. Is the Spirit given to us at baptism too?
The Gift of Tongues
- Can we expect the gift of tongues (speaking in known languages), today as was manifest at Pentecost? Why was that gift given at that time and not now?
- is it possible that some speaking in unknown tongues (which cannot be understood by anyone) be genuine gifts of the Spirit?
- Why did some bystanders think the disciples were drunk if they could be understood?
- Is the gift of tongues the ability to speak other languages without having to learn them, or the ability to learn languages easily?
Peter's Sermon
- Was Peter justified in quoting Joel's prophecy as being fulfilled in the last days? When did the last days begin?
- What was so convincing about Peter's sermon that 3000 were baptized?
- How easy is it to believe in a resurrection?
The Exaltation of Jesus
- How can Jesus be at the "right hand of the Father" when he ascended after His resurrection, and still enter the Most Holy place only in 1844? Isn't the Father in the Most Holy Place?
- Why could the Spirit not be given till Jesus ascended into heaven? Wasn't the Spirit present on earth in the Old Testament times? What was different?
- Wasn't Satan defeated at the cross? Couldn't the kingdom of heaven be inaugurated at that time instead of waiting till Pentecost?
The Firstfruits
- How effective can a preacher be without the Holy Spirit? Can a human convert another sometimes or is conversion always the work of the Holy Spirit?
- Why do we refer to those converted at Pentecost as the "first fruits?" When is the latter fruits?
- What happens to sins then they are "remissioned/remitted?
- How important is baptism for salvation?