Under the Cross of Jesus
- Why does the author state that "unity" is a gift? Who is responsible for the unity of the church, God, or the members?
- Does baptism carry with it responsibilities towards compliance with leadership?
Ministry of Reconciliation
- What kind of peace did Jesus bring to this world? What is his peace from?
- What obligations do Christians have to foster peace in the world, and in the church?
Practical Unity
- Are there any limits to the patience and grace that Christians are supposed to demonstrate?
- How united are Christians compared to members of other religious groups?
Unity Amid Diversity
- Why do some peoples consider other groups so unclean that they avoid fellowshipping and eating with them?
- What makes Adventists treat other Adventists closer than family members who are not Adventists?
Unity in Mission
- What does it mean that the disciples in the Upper Room were of "one accord?" How did they achieve that? The earlier discord was how much earlier? Did the discord change suddenly or gradually?
- To what extent should we ignore other people's mistakes? When should we not ignore them?