The People of God
- What is involved in being "a royal priesthood?" What is our responsibility as such?
- What makes us believe that we are "the chosen people" instead of the Israelites?
- Why do we believe that we Adventists are more special to God than other Christians?
The Household of God
- Why do we refer to some people as "pillars" of the church? What must one do to qualify for that description?
- How do your church members correspond to other parts of a building--foundation, walls, roof, doors, windows, steps, etc? What would your church lack if you were missing?
- What effect does calling fellow church members "brother" and "sister" have on church unity?
The Temple of the Holy Spirit
- What does "you are the temple of the Holy Spirit" really mean? Does the Spirit actually dwell in us, or do we dwell in the Holy Spirit?
- What difference does it make that Paul used the plural "you" for the above statement?
- Who is responsible for unity in the church?
The Body of Christ
- What parts of the human body correspond to various members of a local congregation?
- How do the parts of a human body represent various departments of the church?
- How is our church structure related to the parts of a human body?
Sheep and Shepherd
- Why did Jesus select "sheep" to represent his people rather than "goats," "cows," "camels," or "dogs," which were also common in Bible times
- How does a flock teach "unity?"
- Why do some churches prefer the term "pastor" which means "shepherd" rather than "priest" or "father?"