Days of Preparation
- What kinds of adversity bring a church together? What developments can we envision in the near future that will drive the church to unite?
- While waiting ten days for the Holy Spirit, how would the disciples have spent their time together?
- What will it take to get Adventists to spend whole days in prayer together?
From Babel to Pentecost
- Why do Christians not have feasts of celebration like the Jews had? Is it improper to celebrate like pentecostals in church?
- Why did the Holy Spirit come with a noise (of wind), when He could have come quietly? Was there some significance to that?
- Does the Holy Spirit bestow gifts of tongues today? How could that be manifested?
- Since several languages are dying out, is it possible that the world will be of one language again? What was the purpose of confusing languages at Babel? Do those purposes still exist or not?
Unity or Fellowship
- How was it possible to prepare three thousand people for baptism in one day? Can that be done today?
- Is it acceptable to baptise people first and then teach them later, or should all the teaching be done first?
- Is the breaking of bread more important than the wine at communion? Why is breaking bread mentioned more often?
- Should the Adventists church celebrate communion more often than once a quarter?
Generosity and Greed
- Should our local churches be sharing their wealth with each other like they did in the time of the Apostles? If not why not?
- In the spirit of sharing and caring in the apostolic era would it have been wrong for Ananias and Sapphira to keep back some of the proceeds from the sale of their land?
- What was the real sin of Ananias and Sapphira?
Remember the Poor
- Considering that people in the apostolic era and also those who lived in the 1840s sold their land prematurely and were left destitute when Jesus did not return in their life time, how will we know when it is really time for us to dispose of our properties?
- Since it is hard to know how much a person has saved, how can we know who the real poor are so we can avoid giving to those who might actually have more than we have?