Blessings in Christ
- Are adopted children like second-class family members? What could contribute to as strong a sense of "belonging" as biological members might feel?
- Why do some people believe that God has predestined some for salvation and others for damnation?
- Has God persevered more in saving some people and neglected some others?
Breaking Down the Wall
- Why were Jews against allowing Gentiles and women into the temple proper? What harm was there?
- What categories of people if any might be unwelcome in an Adventist church?
- Why do some Adventist churches in South India ban women and children from the main platform? Is this justified?
Unity in One Body
- Is the idea of "one caste" or "one class"included in any of the following listed by Paul --one body, one faith, one baptism, one hope?
- What are ingredients of success in achieving unity?
- What are the advantages and disadvantages in organizing church conferences and unions on the basis of ethnicity and language?
Church Leaders and Unity
- Is leadership a gift one is born with or does it need to be cultivated?
- What are the qualities of a good Christian leader? Which ones, if any are peculiar to leadership of a religious organization compared with a secular one?
- Would Jesus accept a post as president in the Adventist church?
Human Relationships in Christ
- Why does poor relationships with others disqualify one for church leadership? What damages could result?
- How much importance is given to the home situation of a candidate when selecting church leaders?
- How much involvement in evangelism can be expected of a conference president?