Return O Backsliding Children
- Why did the Israelites keep falling into idol worship when they knew from past experiences that they would suffer consequences
- Why did God tolerate their repeated failures for hundreds of years?
- Are those who are faithful to God rewarded consistently? Are those who are unfaithful punished regularly?
- What was the cause for anarchy and chaos during the period of the judges?
- What are the benefits of belonging to a tribe? What are the curses of tribalism?
- What are Seventh-day Adventists known for in our community? What should we be known for?
The Division of the Hebrew Nation
- Why did God allow the ten tribes to be led by kings so wicked that eventually the kingdom had to be discarded?
- How successful was Solomon's reign from God's point of view? Had God granted him the kind of wisdom he needed and asked for?
- Why did Rehoboam prefer the advice of his friends?
Schism in Corinth
- To what extent can quarrels and disunity in the church be blamed on outstanding characters in the church?
- How can a pastor-evangelist or officer keep members of the church from getting too attached to him?
- How visible and/or important should a conference or higher unit officer be in a local church?
Wolves Will Come
- In today's scenario, who are the wolves who are a threat to the church?
- What do we mean by sheep's clothing? What are some examples of wolves in sheep's clothing?
- What are some trivial topics that are wasting the time and resources of the church in these days?
- If there is disunity in a local church how should it be addressed?