Salvation in Jesus
- Is belief in the Lord Jesus Christ in enough for salvation? Why did Paul say so to the jailor?
- Can non-Christians who have not heard of Jesus be saved?
- Since not everyone who says "Lord, Lord" will be recognized by Him, how can one know if his or her belief is genuine?
Second Coming of Christ
- What difference does the amendment at the 2010 GC session in the statement of belief on the second coming make which was changed from Adventists believe the "second coming is imminent" to the "second coming is soon?" Which is correct?
- How much do other Christians believe in a literal second coming of Jesus?
- What is the practical difference between the wise and the foolish virgins?
Jesus' Ministry in the Heavenly Sanctuary
- How important is it to believe that Jesus entered the Most Holy Place in 1844?
- If Jesus does not come for another hundred years, will that mean that our interpretation of the 2300 day prophecy is wrong?
- Why do no other Christians believe in the Investigative Judgement as Adventists do?
The Sabbath
- Why do most Christians keep Sunday as the Sabbath?
- Is it okay to keep both days Sabbath and Sunday holy?
- How can one know what is okay to do on the Sabbath? Can a thing be all right for one person, but not for another?
Death and Resurrection
- Since a person's fate is sealed at death, why does God not take the good ones to heaven immediately upon death?
- On what basis could Enoch and Moses and other people from the time of Jesus' resurrection be taken to heaven?
- How good is our name "Seventh-day Adventist compared to other denominations?" Who has the best name?