The Harlot Babylon
- Why would political powers be interested in associating with religious powers?
- If political powers would ally with the true religion would that be acceptable? Would forced worship on the seventh day (such as in Nepal), bring on God's seal?
- Why do we associate the term "drunk" with power?
The Harlot Riding on the Scarlet Beast
- Why is harlotry considered the extremity of sin?
- Why would a harlot be clothed in such colours as purple and scarlet? How much does colour reveal about a person?
- Why do people kill in the name of religion? Is there anything that causes more deaths than religion?
The Identification of the Scarlet Beast
- What makes ecumenism so attractive?
- Why are Adventists so against ecumenism?
- Has the Adventist church isolated itself too much from other Christians?
The Seven Heads of the Beast
- Why is the Roman empire considered the last in history? What about the British Empire? The Spanish? The French? The Russian?
- Why is the European Union not considered in relation to Bible prophecy?
The Judgment of Babylon
- What will make the people realize in the end that they have been deceived?
- Do the leaders of false religions know that they are misleading people or are they convinced they have the truth?