The Beast From the Sea
- In a narrative such as in apocalyptic literature, does everything have to have symbolic meaning?
- Are the numbers 7 and 10 to be understood literally or do they also have symbolic meaning? For example would Job have had seven sons and three daughters? Would Job's cattle have literally numbered seven thousand and three thousand, and five hundred and five hundred? Wouldn't the number have changed daily? Further, if those are symbolic, what about his 7 sons and 3 daughters?
- Why did John use mythological beasts? Could he have remained within the realm of natural ones?
The Activities of the Sea Beast
- Is 42 months/1260 days/3 1/2 years a literal time period or could it be symbolic since 3 1/2 is half of seven?
- Is there anything good in Roman Catholicism? What about their worship?
- Could there ever be a "dark age" in our church or are we safe?
The Beast Arising Out of the Earth
- How can a "mortal" wound heal?
- What has caused the United States to change from the character of a lamb to that of the dragon? Can it ever become lamb-like again? Should true Christians try to regain the past, or is it impossible?
The Image of the Beast
- Why do practically all Christians besides Adventists follow the Catholics in keeping Sunday holy?
- How should we address Roman Catholic priests? Is it wrong to call him "Father . . . ?"
- Which should we fear more, the beast, or the image to the beast?
The Mark of the Beast
- What is the value of a mark if it is not visible?
- Has the Seal of God ever been anything other than the Sabbath? Will there be people in heaven who have not known about the seventh-day sabbath?
- What makes 6 a significant number? What are examples of 6 in everyday life? Why are there so many 6's all around us?