Free Will, Free Choice
- How much power of choice do animals have? What is the difference of that to the power of choice that humans have?
- Are there people who would choose not to accept salvation? If so what are some reasons they might reject it?
- Why did God not make creatures who would choose to love Him?
Making the Right Choices
- How much are we allowed to change our minds once a choice is made?
- How can we consult God in making the right choices? How can we know that He is guiding us?
- How can we help other people make right choices in their lives?
Choosing Friends
- How do people become friends? What are characteristics of "bad friends?"
- What made Jonathan like David?
- Was Jonathan correct in maintaining friendship with David against his father's wish? How much should parents guide children in their choice of friends?
Choosing a Life Partner
- Is there just one partner that a person can be happily married to, or could there be more than one?
- Why is it better to be the "right person" than to find the "right person?"
- What advantages or disadvantages did Adam and Eve have in the choice of their partners?
Choosing a Course
- Is there more than one career option in which a person can be very happy?
- What is the difference between a "job" and a "career?" How can one know when it is time to change to a different job? Might there come a time to change to a different career? How can one sense the time if that is true?
- What are the various priorities to consider in choosing a career?