- What difference does it make, if any, in the relationship of male and female that for humans God started with one being and then separated Eve from that one, whereas for animals both genders were created separately at the same time? Are human pairs more closely bonded than animal pairs?
- What evidence is there that the creation of woman was not an afterthought?
- What situations cause some people to abandon society and live like hermits? What alternatives would they have had?
The Unmarried Life
- Is it God's will for everyone to get married?
- What are some advantages in being staying single?
- For those planning to remain single, what are some situations they need to plan for?
- When the Bible exhorts God's people to care for the widows, would that have included single women too? Why didn't God specify them?
When a Marriage Ends
- Can every marriage be saved or are some doomed to failure?
- What can the church do to help a separating couple?
- How can the church ensure that members whose marriage has failed keep coming to church?
Death and Lonliness
- How much do animals know about death and how much do they sense that they are about to be killed? How much more than animals know, do humans know about impending death?
- How much do animals feel the loss of a partner?
- Why did the practice of sati (wife jumping into the fire of cremation for the husband) arise, and why would it be banned now?
Spiritually Single
- Why are there so many women who attend church without their husbands?
- What challenges are there in situations where one partner is not a member of the church?
- Is a wife or husband justified in separating from an unbelieving partner?