People's Grievance
- What is the best response when a person comes to borrow money?
- What does the Bible teach about borrowing or lending money?
- Do governments have a right to tax? Do citizens have a right to exemption from tax? How serious is it to evade paying income tax, or sales tax?
Against the Spirit of the Law
- Did God support the principle of servitude or slavery in Bible times?
- What provisions did God make for release from servitude or slavery? What evidence is there that this was followed or not followed?
- How can one determine how much interest it is fair to charge on a loan?
Nehemiah Acts
- Why was it preferable to be a slave to a fellow-Jew, than to a foreigner? Would there be exceptions?
- What are better solutions than lending money to the poor?
- How right or wrong is it to use large numbers of people when trying to enforce a decision?
An Oath
- What advantages are there to taking an oath when making a decision?
- Why do oaths often include a curse upon violation?
- Why do people swear by God's name when taking an oath? How effective is the practice? What does the Bible teach about this?
Nehemiah's Example
- Why do people draw God's attention to the good things they have done?
- Can we expect God to reimburse us for the times we have been generous to others and to his church?
- What is wrong with being greedy or unmerciful?