
Many Sabbath School class teachers either preach a sermon to their class or deliver a monologue on the whole lesson, going through it "day-by-day." The most rewarding sessions involve the members in discussion. These questions here are intended to stimulate the active participation of the members in your class. Of course pertinent information imparted by the teacher is also very valuable, for which there are many resources in print and on the internet. This site seeks to provide a resource for discussions.

If you are a member and not a teacher and your class is boring, try asking questions such as these in your class.

Monday, 28 October 2019

Lesson 5 (Oct 26-Nov 1), Violating the Spirit of the Law

People's Grievance

  1. What is the best response when a person comes to borrow money?
  2. What does the Bible teach about borrowing or lending money?
  3. Do governments have a right to tax? Do citizens have a right to exemption from tax? How serious is it to evade paying income tax, or sales tax?
Against the Spirit of the Law
  1. Did God support the principle of servitude or slavery in Bible times?
  2. What provisions did God make for release from servitude or slavery? What evidence is there that this was followed or not followed?
  3. How can one determine how much interest it is fair to charge on a loan?
Nehemiah Acts
  1. Why was it preferable to be a slave to a fellow-Jew, than to a foreigner? Would there be exceptions?
  2. What are better solutions than lending money to the poor?
  3. How right or wrong is it to use large numbers of people when trying to enforce a decision?
An Oath
  1. What advantages are there to taking an oath when making a decision?
  2. Why do oaths often include a curse upon violation?
  3. Why do people swear by God's name when taking an oath? How effective is the practice? What does the Bible teach about this?
Nehemiah's Example
  1. Why do people draw God's attention to the good things they have done? 
  2. Can we expect God to reimburse us for the times we have been generous to others and to his church?
  3. What is wrong with being greedy or unmerciful? 

Tuesday, 22 October 2019

Lesson 4 (Oct 19-25), Facing Opposition

Opposition Begins

  1. When help is offered, how can one know if the offer is genuine or motivated?
  2. How can we determine if our offers of help to others is sincere or not?
  3. When funds are solicited for a church building how should donors be recognized?
  4. What could have been the results if the offer of help by the "adversaries" was accepted?
Prophets Encourage
  1. Why would the Jews have been afraid to continue the rebuilding process?
  2. What factors discourage God's church today?
  3. Does one have to be a prophet to encourage God's people? What can be done by members today to encourage a local church?
Work Stoppage
  1. How much effect does a letter to a king or leader have? If you were a ruler, and got a letter of complaint, how would you react?
  2. How can one know when to avoid conflict and when to push on ahead despite opposition?
  3. In what kind of circumstances would it be advisable to disobey a ruler or government? 
Nehemiah Takes Action
  1. Will God always protect us, or must we at times protect ourselves?
  2. What situations make it necessary to take up weapons? Is it okay to possess a gun?
  3. How can one know if he/she is doing God's will?
Doing a Great Work
  1. What made rebuilding the walls a "great work?" What makes any job important?
  2. Could Nehemiah have considered his job as cupbearer a "great work?"
  3. What was wrong in meeting the opposition? Are there times when one should dialogue with opponents?
  4. Is my local church in need of repair? What needs to be done to make it representative of the God of heaven and earth?

Saturday, 12 October 2019

Lesson 3 (Oct 12-18), God's Call

The Calling of Ezra and Nehemiah

  1. How does a priest like Ezra who inherits his career get to feel a call?
  2. Was Nehemiah called by his "brother" who brought him the news of the state of Jerusalem or by God? 
  3. How does one feel the "call?" Is it a desire or a burden? Which is more common?
Prophetic Timing
  1. What is prophetic timing? Why is it critical to fulfilment?
  2. Can something be fulfilled, but not on time? Would that be a fulfilment of prophecy?
  3. How can we know that one prophetic day is equal to one year when the texts Num 14:34 or Ezek 4:6 are not saying that these are time scales that apply to all time prophecies?
The 70 Weeks and the 2300 Days
  1. How are sure that the 70 week prophecy and the 2300 day prophecy start at the same time?
  2. What is God's purpose in giving time prophecies?
  3. How does the stoning of Stephen marks the end of the 70-week prophecy?
God's Election
  1. How much does God select leaders through nominating and executive committees nowadays?
  2. Has God predestined some to be leaders before they are born or does He wait to see how they order their lives?
  3. What difference is there between a call and predestination?
Our Responsibility
  1. Was King Saul called by God? Why did he fail?
  2. When sensing a call should one respond without thinking or after reflection?
  3. Why are so many who are "called" reluctant to answer the call?
  4. What are the qualities God looks for in a person He calls?

Saturday, 5 October 2019

Lesson 2 (Oct 5-11), Nehemiah

Nehemiah Receives Bad News

  1. Why would God have allowed the rebuilding of the city of Jerusalem to have suffered when He himself had decreed their return?
  2. Why would some of the exiles have stayed back in Babylon when the 70 years were up and the captivity over?
  3. What business of it was Nehemiah's for him to get so disturbed about the news of the state of Jerusalem? 
Nehemiah's Prayer
  1. Why is it important for us to begin with praise and adoration when we pray?
  2. Is it necessary to confess sins before making a petition from God?
  3. Does God need to be reminded of the promises He has made which need to be fulfilled? Why is Nehemiah trying to persuade Him to help?
Nehemiah Speaks Out
  1. How do you think one becomes a cup-bearer for a king? What qualities does such a person have to demonstrate in order to get a job like that? Should the cup bearer have also been responsible for tasting the food of the king before he ate it too?
  2. Why do some people fast when they have a petition to make? Does it help in getting the prayer answered?
  3. How important is it to use the right words when making a request?
Nehemiah Sent
  1. Why would Israel's neighbors not want her to be restored properly? 
  2. From Israel's past record were they justified in being concerned?
  3. How significant is it to have a Hebrew name? Why didn't that guarantee sympathy from Tobiah?
Nehemiah Prepares for His Task
  1. What do you think convinced the people, the priests, the nobles, and the officials to cooperate with Nehemiah?
  2. What qualities of Nehemiah qualified him for the task to be done? Which of his characteristics was the most important?
  3. Why did God keep Nehemiah waiting for four months before creating the opportunity to speak his heart to the king?