The Calling of Ezra and Nehemiah
- How does a priest like Ezra who inherits his career get to feel a call?
- Was Nehemiah called by his "brother" who brought him the news of the state of Jerusalem or by God?
- How does one feel the "call?" Is it a desire or a burden? Which is more common?
Prophetic Timing
- What is prophetic timing? Why is it critical to fulfilment?
- Can something be fulfilled, but not on time? Would that be a fulfilment of prophecy?
- How can we know that one prophetic day is equal to one year when the texts Num 14:34 or Ezek 4:6 are not saying that these are time scales that apply to all time prophecies?
The 70 Weeks and the 2300 Days
- How are sure that the 70 week prophecy and the 2300 day prophecy start at the same time?
- What is God's purpose in giving time prophecies?
- How does the stoning of Stephen marks the end of the 70-week prophecy?
God's Election
- How much does God select leaders through nominating and executive committees nowadays?
- Has God predestined some to be leaders before they are born or does He wait to see how they order their lives?
- What difference is there between a call and predestination?
Our Responsibility
- Was King Saul called by God? Why did he fail?
- When sensing a call should one respond without thinking or after reflection?
- Why are so many who are "called" reluctant to answer the call?
- What are the qualities God looks for in a person He calls?