Nehemiah Receives Bad News
- Why would God have allowed the rebuilding of the city of Jerusalem to have suffered when He himself had decreed their return?
- Why would some of the exiles have stayed back in Babylon when the 70 years were up and the captivity over?
- What business of it was Nehemiah's for him to get so disturbed about the news of the state of Jerusalem?
Nehemiah's Prayer
- Why is it important for us to begin with praise and adoration when we pray?
- Is it necessary to confess sins before making a petition from God?
- Does God need to be reminded of the promises He has made which need to be fulfilled? Why is Nehemiah trying to persuade Him to help?
Nehemiah Speaks Out
- How do you think one becomes a cup-bearer for a king? What qualities does such a person have to demonstrate in order to get a job like that? Should the cup bearer have also been responsible for tasting the food of the king before he ate it too?
- Why do some people fast when they have a petition to make? Does it help in getting the prayer answered?
- How important is it to use the right words when making a request?
Nehemiah Sent
- Why would Israel's neighbors not want her to be restored properly?
- From Israel's past record were they justified in being concerned?
- How significant is it to have a Hebrew name? Why didn't that guarantee sympathy from Tobiah?
Nehemiah Prepares for His Task
- What do you think convinced the people, the priests, the nobles, and the officials to cooperate with Nehemiah?
- What qualities of Nehemiah qualified him for the task to be done? Which of his characteristics was the most important?
- Why did God keep Nehemiah waiting for four months before creating the opportunity to speak his heart to the king?