
Many Sabbath School class teachers either preach a sermon to their class or deliver a monologue on the whole lesson, going through it "day-by-day." The most rewarding sessions involve the members in discussion. These questions here are intended to stimulate the active participation of the members in your class. Of course pertinent information imparted by the teacher is also very valuable, for which there are many resources in print and on the internet. This site seeks to provide a resource for discussions.

If you are a member and not a teacher and your class is boring, try asking questions such as these in your class.

Monday, 25 May 2020

Creation:Genesis as Foundation -- Part 2

A Flat Earth
  1. What did the Bible author really mean and how should we understand the term, "four corners of the earth?" 
  2. What would have been the harm in God inspiring the Bible writer to indicate the earth was a sphere?
  3. Does "circle of the earth" in the book of Job refer to a globe or a disc?
Creation in Ancient Literature
  1. If the Egyptian creation story is older than the Bible and there are similarities does it mean that Moses borrowed from that story?
  2. What is more important in comparisons, similarities or differences?
  3. How can one tell if a creation story is imagined or inspired?
Genesis Versus Paganism
  1. Why do primitive people often end up worshipping the sun and the moon?
  2. What might they think the God who made the firmament was like when they experience hurricanes and drought?
  3. How does the creation of Eve not seem like an aferthought?
  4. Why would primitive accounts of creation place a low view of humans?
Creation and Time
  1. Are the chronogenealogies of Genesis comprehensive or representative? 
  2. Is it more than coincidence that patriarchs are listed in tens?
  3. What is the effect of reading the genealogies of Genesis, that they intend to be taken literally or not?
  4. Does it affect the veracity of the Bible if the earth is older than 6000 years?
Creation in Scripture
  1.  Is there any text in the Bible that casts doubt on the reliability of the creation account? Was there any other account that was left out from the Canon of scripture because it disagreed with the Genesis account of creation?
  2. How can we account for all other references to creation in the Bible following the same order of creation?
  3. What evidence is there that Jesus believed in the creation story?

Monday, 18 May 2020

Lesson 8 (May 16-22), Creation, Genesis as Foundation--Part 1

In the Beginning

  1. Was the earth create the earth within the creation week or was it there when he came to create?
  2. Why is it significant that Jesus was the agent of creation?
  3. How does evolution impact the existence of God?
The Days of Creation
  1. Why should we consider the days of creation as literal and not symbolic period of time?
  2. Why do you think the days of creation started with the evening?
  3. Could there have been large periods of time between literal days of creation?
The Sabbath and Creation
  1. Why do some calendars start the week with Monday? What difference does it make for various peoples?
  2. Why did God make a period of time holy rather than a place where humans could meet him?
  3. Should governments make Saturday the official weekend like Nepal has done, so that all religions worship on the same day?
Creation and Marriage
  1. Why would God have planned marriage for humans differently than for animals?
  2. What is the significance of Eve being created out of Adam?
  3. What did God mean by "fill the earth?" Is it full yet?
Creation, the Fall, and the Cross
  1. Why would God proceed with the creation of the world if he knew ahead of time that Satan was going to spoil it?
  2. Do animals sin? Why do animals have to suffer for the sin of humans?
  3. Why did Jesus have to wait a several thousand years before coming to save the world?

Monday, 11 May 2020

Lesson 7 (May 9-15), Language, Text, and Context

Understanding the Scriptures

  1. What did people do before they had the Bible? How could they know God's will?
  2. Since increased blessings bring increased responsibilities would Israel have been better off not being the chosen people?
  3. Why do you think God chose a different language and culture for the New Testament from the Old Testament? Does it make a difference?
Words and Meanings
When no exact equivalent word exists, what are the advantages and disadvantages of the following options:
  1. Transliterating the original word into the target language?
  2. Using a phrase or sentence or two to convey the whole meaning?
  3. Inventing a new word from known roots of the target language?
Repetition, Word Patterns, and Meanings
  1. How much does punctuation help and what do we lose if they are removed?
  2. How does a reader convey punctuation marks?
  3. How does English or any other language use doubling of word roots, and other forms of repetition?
Texts and Contexts
  1. How does context give meaning to words when words create the context?
  2. How should a translator deal with word plays and figures of speech?
  3. Why do you think God chose the root "mud/earth" for Adam and the root "air/breath" for Eve?
Books and Their Messages
  1. Is revelation and inspiration different for poetic and historical books compared to prophetic books?
  2. Why is it important to study the historical setting of  a book?
  3. Why do you think that the authors of some Biblical books are unknown? 
  4. Why do you think there is no date or setting given within the book of Job?

Wednesday, 6 May 2020

Lesson 6 (May 2-8), Why is Interpretation Needed


  1. What are some factors that prejudice a reader of the Bible?
  2. What had blinded the disciples that they could not comprehend what Jesus was telling them about his death?
  3. Is it necessary to rid one's self of prejudices or will God understand the situation?
Translation and Interpretation
  1. What value is there for preachers who have not studied Biblical languages to refer to Greek and Hebrew usage?
  2. Does study of other ancient documents also urge learning of the original languages? What are the limitations of translations?
  3. Have electronic translators eliminated the need for learning languages?
The Bible and Culture
  1. What makes Greek culture different from Hebrew culture?
  2. Why does Christianity seem like a Western religion?
  3. How can missionaries help themselves and their religion to not be seen as a foreign religion?
Our Sinful and Fallen Nature
  1. What did Jesus do that antagonized the religious leaders of his day?
  2. Could Jesus have done anything to help them not feel threatened? Would that have necessitated any sacrifice of his mission and message?
  3. How can scripture be used so often by both sides of an issue?
Why Interpretation is Important
  1. How do various denominations come up with differing doctrines from the same Bible?
  2. Are preachers going to be held responsible for teaching wrong doctrine if they were sincere?
  3. Have Adventists been guilty of misusing texts to defend their teachings?