In the Beginning
- Was the earth create the earth within the creation week or was it there when he came to create?
- Why is it significant that Jesus was the agent of creation?
- How does evolution impact the existence of God?
The Days of Creation
- Why should we consider the days of creation as literal and not symbolic period of time?
- Why do you think the days of creation started with the evening?
- Could there have been large periods of time between literal days of creation?
The Sabbath and Creation
- Why do some calendars start the week with Monday? What difference does it make for various peoples?
- Why did God make a period of time holy rather than a place where humans could meet him?
- Should governments make Saturday the official weekend like Nepal has done, so that all religions worship on the same day?
Creation and Marriage
- Why would God have planned marriage for humans differently than for animals?
- What is the significance of Eve being created out of Adam?
- What did God mean by "fill the earth?" Is it full yet?
Creation, the Fall, and the Cross
- Why would God proceed with the creation of the world if he knew ahead of time that Satan was going to spoil it?
- Do animals sin? Why do animals have to suffer for the sin of humans?
- Why did Jesus have to wait a several thousand years before coming to save the world?