The First School
- What would be advantages in holding classes outdoors? What are the disadvantages?
- Why did God ask Adam and Eve to look after the garden? What did that involve in a sinless world? What would have happened if they failed to do that properly?
- If one had to live in a forest or island today what would be deemed essentials?
- Would the tree to test the couple have been God's idea or Satan's?
- Would the presence of the tree have been enough of a test without the tempting serpent?
- Was Eve created after the instruction to Adam not to eat of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil?
- How possible is it that Adam didn't convey the prohibition as strongly as God?
- Did Satan say anything that was false? Why do we call him a liar?
- What makes us think that Adam was not with Eve when she bit the fruit?
Regaining What Was Lost
- Why do teachers send disobedient students out of the classroom? What does that accomplish? Can the same objective be achieved in another way?
- Could the Tree of Life have been removed from the garden? Why did Adam and Eve have to be expelled from Eden?
- What is the difference between "education" and "knowledge"?
The Despisers of Authority
- What makes one a good student? Are good students born or made?
- Do some students have an unfair disadvantage in a class? Is there any disadvantages when it comes to learning about God and salvation?
- How does respect for authority erode?