Jesus, The Basis of Our Testimony
- How might changed lives be explained besides by the power of Jesus? How does the power of Jesus make it easy?
- Are bad habits easier to form? Why or why not?
- Can a sinner be saved without changing?
The Transformative Power of Personal Testimony
- Why were James and John called Sons of Thunder?
- What might be wrong with having a temper?
- Why would people be interested in testimonies of changed lives?
Telling the Story of Jesus
- What enables an evil spirit to possess a human?
- Why did the evil spirits need permission to enter the pigs? Why did Jesus permit them to?
- Is it hard or easy to get rid of an evil spirit?
- Are there different levels of demon possession? Are there medical ways to help one possessed?
Testifying With Assurance
- Is it possible to witness about Jesus without experiencing Him personally?
- Is it possible to have doubts about being saved even if one is?
- Is it possible to feel the assurance of salvation even if one is not truly saved?
Something Worth Testifying About
- Is there anything painful about being crucified with Christ?
- What are something things that might be hard to give up when choosing to follow Christ?
- Is there anything that is good which we have to surrender when deciding to follow Jesus?