Covenant Basics
- If one party initiates a covenant can obligations be imposed on the other party?
- Why do people seal some covenants with an oath? What is the significance of the oath?
- What is the difference in covenants between equals and covenants between unequals?
Covenant with Noah
- Though Noah seems to have not been given a choice by God, how can we sense that he did have a choice whether to obey or not?
- How could Noah be called a righteous person when he got drunk and did something stupid?
- Are rainbows today confirmation of the covenant with Noah?
The Covenant with Abram
- In what ways have all people of the earth been blessed through Abraham?
- To what extent did Abraham fulfill his duty of the covenant? Considering that Israel failed to do their part, did God err in selecting Abraham and his seed?
- How could Abraham be called the father of those who have faith when his lies about Sarah revealed his lack of faith?
The Covenant with Moses
- Are there more than one fulfillments of promises?
- What kind of obedience from Israel did God expect since absolute obedience seems not possible?
- Is Israel today still receiving residual blessings from God's covenant to Abraham?
The New Covenant
- Why do we use the terms Old and New Covenant when the Bible does not use those terms?
- In what sense is a covenant "old?"
- Could Israelites of the Old Testament times live under the New Covenant?
- How can people today be living under the old covenant?