Turtles All the Way Down
- Why is it impossible to prove that God created the universe?
- Why is it impossible to disprove that God created the universe?
- Why do some people still believe in a flat earth? How is this possible to prove or disprove?
In the Image of the Maker
- Does the "image of God" include the physical. If we are in God's physical image, then are monkey also in his image?
- Do men bear the image of God more than women?
- Do individuals bear the image of God or humanity as a whole?
God and Humankind Together
- Is procreation part of the "image of God in humans?"
- Why did God bless Adam and Eve? What difference did it make?
- How and why did the original relationship between God and humans come to an end?
At the Tree
- Had Eve already sinned before she ate the forbidden fruit, or was it at the point of the first bite?
- On what basis do we assume that Adam was not with Eve at the tree when she ate it?
- Why could Adam and Eve not repent and be forgiven there and then?
Breaking the Relationship
- Why do you think Satan took the form of a serpent when he could have appeared as what he is--an angel?
- Whose sin was worse, Adam's or Eve's? Is "being deceived," less guilty than sinning without being deceived?
- Is fear of snakes a result of the curse, or did God mean fear of Satan?
- In the battle between God and Satan who is succeeding in making humans afraid of the other?