New Heavens and a New Earth
- Why do we need a new earth? Why can't God just improve this one to the point it is good enough?
- Why do we need a new heaven?
- How did some animals become carnivorous?
- What are the ingredients of a perfect life?
Divine Magnet
- What about God will attract non Christians to Him?
- Why are some people not attracted to God?
- What does it mean to "tremble" at his word?
Missionaries and Worship leaders
- Why does God want humans to go everywhere and preach about him? Why can't the Holy Spirit do it more?
- What prevented the Israelites from evangelizing the world?
- Why did God have one tribe of Israel as priests and not have a priesthood of all believers?
Community of Faith
- Do we have today a true priesthood of all believers?
- What does it mean to become "children of Abraham?" Why is it necessary?
- Is God responsible for the Jews' feeling of superiority? What feelings of ethnic / racial superiority exist among us? How does it impact the church? How can we get rid of it?
So Shall Your Seed and Your Name Remain
- Which is more desirable, to leave biological descendants or to leave a name that will be remembered?
- Why do we not want to be forgotten?
- Why are "new moons" more important than a new sun? Why will we need specific worship days in the new earth? Won't every day be a worship day?