The Effects of Sin
- How do wrong acts affect relationships in families or among friends? Who is more reluctant to meet up, the one committing the wrong or the one wronged?
- Why do people not answer phone calls? For what reasons, if any, might God not want to hear a person's prayer?
- Why did Adam and Eve hide from God?
Who is Forgiven
- At what age do humans become accountable for sin? What makes one accountable? Does one need forgiveness for sins we are not aware of?
- What are the requirements in order to be forgiven? Could a person who asks for forgiveness be refused by God?
- What made the rich young ruler believe he had kept the law? What evidence is there whether he had kept it or had not?
Universal Appeal
- Why is salvation described in terms of "light?"
- What is meant by the phrase "Arise shine?"
- How well are kings and political leaders responding to the gospel?
The Year of the Lord's Favour
- What does "anointed" mean? Who in the OT were in anointed, and for what? What is Jesus anointed for?
- How is what Jesus brings similar to what the purpose of the Jubilee year was for?
- How well is the Adventist church proclaiming or assisting in the "Lord's favour?"
The Day of Vengeance of Our God
- How is the word "vengeance" related to the word "revenge?" On whom will God take revenge?
- How can a God of love cause people to suffer in hell?
- For whose benefit is God's vengeance?