Isaiah's Testing Truth
- Why would having hairs from your beard plucked be shameful comparable to being spat upon?
- Why is honour and shame a life and death matter?
- Why do people mock at those in distress?
The Suffering Servant Poem
- What appeal does the Messiah have by being portrayed as a Servant rather than as a king?
- In what way was Jesus disfigured physically beyond recognition as predicted by Isaiah?
- How does Jesus bear our infirmities and carry our sorrows?
Who Has Believed
- Why do the innocent have to suffer for the guilty?
- Whose loss was greater Jesus' or Job's?
- Why do we identify more easily with the innocent that with the guilty?
The Unreachable is Us
- Why is Jesus pictured as a tender shoot rather than a strong tree?
- Is all suffering because of sin?
- In what way did our sins kill Jesus?
A Transforming Reparation Offering
- What is the difference between "guilt" and "sin?"
- How is the servant poems good news?
- Why are lambs the ideal animals to represent the Messiah?
- In what way is the sacrifice of a lamb not a fit representation of the Messiah's sacrifice of himself?