The Oneness of God
1. If God is only one how could people have started believing that there might be hundreds and thousands of gods?
2. Is it harder to understand the plurality of God or the oneness of the three? Why?
The Deity of Christ
1. Does “Son of God” imply any less godness than “God?”
2. For what types of reasons might people think Christ was not divine?
3. If Jesus were not divine how would that affect our salvation?
The Holy Spirit
1. Is the Holy Spirit more spirit than the Father and the Son, or any less a “body” than they?
2. Do we witness the work of the Holy Spirit only after Christ’s departure or even concurrently during his life? Why is this question important?
In Unity and Equality
1. Who assigned the roles for the three persons in the Godhead?
2. Could the three persons in the Godhead interchange roles?
3. Describe the characteristics and nature of each person of the Godhead. How does each have a different personality?
The Trinity and Salvation
1. Would it have been harder for a one-person God to save humanity from sin?
2. Whose work among the three was the hardest in the work of saving humans? Who had the easiest task?
3. Is the doctrine of trinity critical for salvation?