Do you feel it is unscholarly to believe in creation?
Creation Week
1. If the creation week can be divided into 3 days of removing the “without form” status of the earth and 3 days of solving the “void” status, how does the creation of vegetation on the third day fit in? Is a land with plenty vegetation but no fauna full or empty?
2. Is the “week” of creation flexible?
The Heart of the Creator
1. Do animal and birds mothers “love” their young, or function out of instinct? Does your answer affect the lesson – that the creator loves creation?
2. Can evolution account for the existence of love?
The Heavens Declare
1. When you observe nature do you see order or disorder? How well are the laws of nature followed?
2. Why did sin of humans affect nature?
The Cross and Creation
1. Which do you consider more difficult, creating or redeeming?
2. Why would a God permit what he had created to go astray? Why would he then try to save his creation?
3. Can there be a cross without creation? Does the fact that God died for us “prove” or at least “suggest” that he created us?
Creation and Re-creation
1. Is a belief in evolution compatible with a belief in the new earth?
2. If you were God would you take millions of years to create or recreate the earth? What does it matter to a God for whom time has no meaning?