“It is Written”
1. How does the God of the New Testament compare/contrast with the God of the Old Testament?
2. What does “Thus saith the Lord” mean? What does it imply?
To Be Set Apart
1. What is the meaning of ‘hallow?’
2. How does tithe compare with Sabbath in terms of being set apart?
To Repent in Dust and Ashes
1. When we are in the presence of another person we admire, why do we feel inferior or inadequate?
2. Why would even the greatest of the prophets such as Isaiah, Jeremiah and Daniel feel reluctant to accept being God’s spokespersons?
Depart from Me
1. Why did Peter ask Jesus to depart from him instead of he himself departing from Jesus?
2. Is there a difference in our attitude to Jesus when we (a) recall that we are sinful, and (b) when we recall a specific sin?
When Demons Speak
1. Why do people cast out demons in the name of Jesus rather than of God the Father?
2. How can demons be so afraid of Jesus and humans not be so afraid?