
Many Sabbath School class teachers either preach a sermon to their class or deliver a monologue on the whole lesson, going through it "day-by-day." The most rewarding sessions involve the members in discussion. These questions here are intended to stimulate the active participation of the members in your class. Of course pertinent information imparted by the teacher is also very valuable, for which there are many resources in print and on the internet. This site seeks to provide a resource for discussions.

If you are a member and not a teacher and your class is boring, try asking questions such as these in your class.

Saturday, 27 October 2012

Growing in Christ

The Redemption

  1. Is it sometimes possible for one to be strong enough to resist temptation with human strength or is it always possible only through divine power?
  2. Is it fair or unfair for Christ to suffer in our place?

Slaves Set Free

  1. If we find ourselves powerless to help ourselves at times, who's power is holding us? Does there have to be a power?
  2. We've all seen other people enslaved to something like a bad habit: Have we experienced that helplessness in our own lives?

Principalities and Powers: Part 1

  1. On what grounds could Jesus assist humans in the battle against evil before the cross?
  2. How do Satan and his angels make us do what they want us to do?

Principalities and Powers: Part 2

  1. Is evil a personal or impersonal force? what is the difference? 
  2. What are the various means that Satan uses to frustrate human attempts to do good?

A Murderer Revealed

  1. If Jesus gained victory over evil at the cross why is Satan still fooling around with us? Is the victory not complete? If not, what remains?
  2. What are the "weapons" that Satan and Jesus use in their conflict?
  3. Is there any difference in (a) being given strength to resist temptation, and (b) the removal of temptation? Which is preferable

Wednesday, 24 October 2012

Salvation: The Only Solution

The Scope of the Problem

  1. How big is the problem for God considering that sin is only on one planet among millions in the universe and for a few thousand years compared to eternity?
  2. How seriously did God take the problem of sin?

God's Provision: Part 1

  1. what came first, sin or the Saviour?
  2. Does God's foreknowledge prevent any change?

God's Provision: Part 2

  1. If people still had to kill a lamb for each sin, would there be less sinning?
  2. What is the difference between sanctification and daily justification? Why did Paul say "I die daily?"

The Experience of Salvation: Part 1

  1. What causes a person to feel repentant?
  2. Describe the feeling of guiltiness and the feeling of having been forgiven?
  3. What do think of this statement: "God will not take to heaven a forgiven rebel?"

The Experience of Salvation: Part 2

  1. Is there any sin that is too serious to be forgiven? What is the unpardonable sin?
  2. Why is conversion termed a new birth?

Thursday, 18 October 2012

Mankind: God’s Handiwork

Creation and Human Origins
  1. What do you consider more incredible, the miracles of the creation week or the millions of items that had to be just right for evolution?  Why?
  2. Why would people attempt to explain Adam as a legendary figure?

The Image of God: Part 1
  1. Why do you think the author of the creation story used the word image (literally, “statue”) to describe the similarity between man and God?
  2. Do humans still have dominion over the rest of creation?  Why is the lion called the king of the jungle, and not man?

The Image of God: Part 2
  1. Why do you think that God used the plural pronouns in saying “Let us make man in our image?” How do humans reflect that plurality?
  2. On a scale of 1-10, how much do humans reflect the one-ness of God?

A Defiled Image
  1. How would you as a creationist explain all the primitive-looking humans described as Neanderthal man, etc.?
  2. How much of God’s image do you think humans have retained?

  1. How much of the image of God do you think can be restored before the second coming?
  2. How much application to the this restoration does the saying have "By beholding we become changed?" how much change can be effected by beholding, and what does beholding involve? 

Thursday, 11 October 2012

Revelation and the God Revealed in It

  1. Does nature teach us anything about God which the Bible does not?

The Doctrine of Scripture
  1. What are some reasons why God would want to communicate to humans?
  2. We train dogs to understand our words instead of trying to learn theirs, then why does God try to speak to us humans in our language rather than teach us His? 
  3. Is the Bible the Word of God, or does it contain the Word of God?  What is the difference?

The Nature of Inspiration
  1. What is the difference in the authors of the Bible being inspired rather than the words?
  2. If it is only the thoughts that are inspired why should we learn scripture word for word?
  3. Why do you think God did not dictate the Bible word for word?

The Mystery of the Triune God
  1. How would you explain the trinity to person who accuses Christians of having three gods?
  2. Should we always address our prayers to the Father only, or may we pray to the Holy Spirit and to Jesus?

The Attributes of Our Creator
  1. How would a God who created us relate differently to us than a God who found us?
  2. Can we know about God from personal experience alone without the Bible?

The Activities of God
  1. If you were God, how would you try to interact with your created beings?
  2. Will God help one who does not believe in Him?

Thursday, 4 October 2012

The Great Controversy

Are Adventists more obsessed with the cosmic conflict than non-Adventists? If so, what could be the reason?

The Controversy and Its Players
  1. How would you respond to someone who insisted that the cosmic battle was only in the mind?
  2. What impact, if any, would polytheism have on the doctrine of the great controversy? 

Lucifer’s Fall
  1. How can we tell when a description is going beyond the literal and into the metaphorical – such as from the king of Babylon or Tyre to a description of Lucifer?
  2. Is it wrong to be proud of something good?

God’s Weapon
  1. What could God have meant when in addressing the serpent, he said, “your seed?”
  2. How do we know that God was not referring to literal snakes when he mentioned bruising the head and the heel?

Satan’s Fight
  1. How is the great controversy taught through the sacrificial system, and how did Satan pervert the teaching to suit him?
  2. Is it possible to be aware of the work of Satan in our minds?  If so, how?

  1. Is it possible to be neutral in the conflict between good and evil?  Why or why not?
  2. Can you think or want to be on one side but end upon the other side?  How could this happen?