Creation and Human
- What do you consider more incredible, the miracles of the creation week or the millions of items that had to be just right for evolution? Why?
- Why would people attempt to explain Adam as a legendary figure?
The Image of God:
Part 1
- Why do you think the author of the creation story used the word image (literally, “statue”) to describe the similarity between man and God?
- Do humans still have dominion over the rest of creation? Why is the lion called the king of the jungle, and not man?
The Image of God:
Part 2
- Why do you think that God used the plural pronouns in saying “Let us make man in our image?” How do humans reflect that plurality?
- On a scale of 1-10, how much do humans reflect the one-ness of God?
A Defiled Image
- How would you as a creationist explain all the primitive-looking humans described as Neanderthal man, etc.?
- How much of God’s image do you think humans have retained?
- How much of the image of God do you think can be restored before the second coming?
- How much application to the this restoration does the saying have "By beholding we become changed?" how much change can be effected by beholding, and what does beholding involve?