The Scope of the Problem
God's Provision: Part 1
God's Provision: Part 2
The Experience of Salvation: Part 1
The Experience of Salvation: Part 2
- How big is the problem for God considering that sin is only on one planet among millions in the universe and for a few thousand years compared to eternity?
- How seriously did God take the problem of sin?
God's Provision: Part 1
- what came first, sin or the Saviour?
- Does God's foreknowledge prevent any change?
God's Provision: Part 2
- If people still had to kill a lamb for each sin, would there be less sinning?
- What is the difference between sanctification and daily justification? Why did Paul say "I die daily?"
The Experience of Salvation: Part 1
- What causes a person to feel repentant?
- Describe the feeling of guiltiness and the feeling of having been forgiven?
- What do think of this statement: "God will not take to heaven a forgiven rebel?"
The Experience of Salvation: Part 2
- Is there any sin that is too serious to be forgiven? What is the unpardonable sin?
- Why is conversion termed a new birth?