If you had to write a similar text using modern weapons of attack or defence, how would we describe the implements of Christian warfare today?
The Need for
Arming Personally
- Why can we not manufacture our own armour to fight Satan? Can psychology / counselling help us?
- In what ways do we fight the devil as an army? As an individual?
Girdle of Truth,
Breastplate of Righteousness
- How does the girdle of “truth”protect us? How does deceit leave us vulnerable?
- Is there any difference between the robe of Christ’s righteousness and the “breastplate” of righteousness?
Preparation and
the Shield of Faith
- Doesn’t “faith” seem like a flimsy shield? What kind of protection can that provide?
- What types of arrows is Satan firing at us?
Helmet and Sword
- How do we choose to put on a “helmet” of salvation? Can we choose a gift?
- Is the “Word of God as our “Sword” to be used in defence, or in attack?
Praying Always
- How can one pray without ceasing when there is so much to do during the day that needs our full concentration?
- How are the prayers of others for us limited in benefit?