Why can Christianity not exist without a church?
Why is Satan so opposed to the church?
Nature of the Church:
Part 1
- Why did Moses tell the Israelites not to leave their home on Sabbath? What about church?
- The Biblical Greek word for church means called: so are we “called” to assemble, or for mission?
Nature of the Church:
Part 2
- What does “body of Christ” mean for the unity of the church, physical or metaphorical?
- How do we explain the unity in the “body of Christ” when we are told that the right hand should not know what the left hand does?
The Mission of the
- As the body of Christ, what activities are expected of the church?
- Why does the idea of an organized church turn people off?
- What is the difference between unity and uniformity?
- In what ways should the church all over the world be uniform?
- What are the advantages/disadvantages of the “Congregational” model of church government – where each church is independent?
- What are the advantages/disadvantages of the Presbyter form of church government—where the local elder/pastor is the head and represents the local church to a higher body?
- What are the advantages/disadvantages of the Episcopal form of church government—where all the churches look up to one head such as in the Orthodox and Catholic churches?