The Serpent Was More Cunning
1. What
do you think of this statement "To explain the origin of evil is to excuse
2. What
was right with what the serpent told Eve: (1) that she would not die, (2) that
they would understand good and evil like God? What was wrong with what the serpent
The Woman and
the Serpent
1. Why do you think Eve
exaggerated what God's instructions were, adding that they should not even
touch the fruit which God had not said?
2. Is it wrong to be more strict
than the Bible requires?
Deceived by the
1. At what point had Eve sinned—when she took the fruit, when she ate it, or even earlier when
she decided she would eat it?
2. What do you think made Eve
observe that the fruit was "good for food?"
3. What do you think made Eve
think that the fruit was pleasant to the eyes?
4. What do you think of Mark
Twain's statement that God made a mistake in forbidding Adam and Eve to eat the
fruit; instead He should have forbidden them to eat the serpent?
5. What was the necessity of
having a test for humans?
Grace and
Judgement in Eden
1. Was God more willing to save
Adam and Eve than He was to save all the fallen angels whom Satan misled? Why or why not?
2. Whose sin was worse, Eve who
was deceived by the serpent or Adam who sinned knowingly?
3. What difference does it make to
Adam and Eve whether the promise of salvation was given before or after the
curse was given?
4. Does “grace” imply that the requirements of
the law were too severe?
More Questions
1. Why do you think God made it
necessary for humans to eat? Couldn't He have just programmed our bodies to
last about 70 years?
2. What do you think of the
saying, "Your body knows what it needs?" How reliable a guide is
appetite, feeling, and desire?